2:14 pm

                 What Is Caribbean Browning?

Caribbean Browning blog is a place of creativity, exploration, and inspiration. CB is a women's lifestyle page focused on creating happiness every day through a homemade lifestyle. On this blog, I share my Fitness journey, My wacky, but all natural experiments with food, skin and hair care products, and crafts, as well as random personal stories and views on what’s happening here in Jamaica.   
Most of the advice and how-to content on this site is targeted at those with minimal experience and presented in a way that makes sense. I hope that you leave this site either motivated, with great ideas and highly entertained!

                          Who Is Amoy?

If there was one word to describe me it would be: Createabitionate 
(Creative, Ambitious, Passionate, Dynamic). ;)

I am Amoy! I am the girl with the mind that never sleeps. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been coming up with ideas and projects or goals to tackle. I find a lot of satisfaction in choosing a goal and seeing it through until the end. It’s how I learn and grow as a person. In recent time one of my main goals is a journey to better health. 

I started making Art and experimenting at a young age, with a lifetime of art practice, I eventually grew that love into a goal, to build my design business. I must say I never liked Graphic Design until I left college lol. I was always the Painter, the Sculptor or, the Writer (still am). 

As an Artist and business enthusiast, I decided a long time ago that I wanted to be the BOSS, selling Natural Hair and Skin Care products, creating beautiful paintings and prints and one day a published Author. I believe strongly in creating a life you love, and furthermore, that doing so should be easy! 

So, I went to college and went on to build a completely self-taught business. Unfortunately, Like most persons, my transition to starting a new business wasn't smooth and I faced a lot of obstacles. Student Loan, not so understanding parents and self-doubt was the main culprits. I haven't overcome all the above completely, but I will say at the end of every week I'm closer to my goal. I am a warrior, I am an introvert opening my life to you.

P.S. I will read all your comments and questions so don't be shy!

xo Amoy

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